Thursday, April 23, 2009


So, you have hit that dead end and think where can I go? How can I move ahead? First, I want to say that one should never give up. I know that we are in a fast paced world and we have come to expect promotion to come quickly. However in big business this often is not the case. I too fell victim to this I was one of the shining stars in my company with more qualifications than others and was watching as the others were promoted ahead of me. I was starting to turn negative but then I realized maybe they have a bigger plan for me. I was right in this assumption even though we are taught not to assume – I did have a bigger plan because I was out performing everyone and had extra qualifications they did not want me to just be a manager and be stuck in that role. It turns out that big business does have a plan for everyone – when you get hired you are put in a pool at that point they decide promotable or not. I know that sounds bad but it is true. Then once you start to perform they start to think is this person someone I could promote or not. Sadly, once you hit that wall usually they never take you out of the pool of people who will not gain promotion. My attempt here is to explain how to keep yourself out of the “bad” pool who doesn’t want a promotion – that comes with more money. I have penned a book about this entire topic and it will show you how to “get dressed” sadly the book is not on shelves yet and I’m hungry to help people now. I want to give you a few quick tips that might seem like common sense but I’ve seen all of these happen and often they will hit the breaks on the promotion train. A few of these are simple, even if you do not like something go along with it – remember you are not the boss (yet). Secondly, if you know Joe or Sally gossip mouth is in the break room steer clear of them because rumors will only hurt your chances. Lastly, I would advise everyone to use a dry cleaner to get their clothes pressed or at least take the time to iron your clothes in the morning.

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